Neuroendocrine Neoplasia

60-year-old male was diagnosed with a symptomatic metastatic well differentiated rectal neuroendocrine tumor, with multiple liver metastases. This tumor is over-expressing somastatin receptors, which was demonstrated by an otreoscan. He was started on Sandostatin LAR 30 once a month.
1. Can you confirm the therapy?
2. Can you suggest any further therapies?
3. What is the prognosis?
4. Any recommended centres in Italy and abroad?
Sex:M, Age:60 years
Exams performed in the hospital showed the following:
Objective examination -> normal, except for a “hepatic margin at 8 cm from the costal arch and at 5 cm from the irregular, ensiform apophysis (not on deep inspiration).……”
Blood tests -> mostly normal except for the electrophoresis: “increment of alpha 1 globulins (5.3) monoclonal lgG-lambda component + small lgG-lambda component in gamma area". The neuroendocrine markers are: VIP 25.3 pmol/l; Somatostatin 6.6 pmol/l; Pancreatic polypeptide 12.2 pmol/l; Motilin 160 pg/ml; Gastrin 48.2 pg/ml; Neurotensin 37.7 pg/dl; Cromogranin A 28 U/L; Glucagon 266 pg/ml; Urinary 5-HIAA 5.9 mg/24h; Urinary 5HT+5HTP 4.8 mg/24 h; Urinary concentration of 5-HIAA at another lab: negative.
Diagnostic tests ->
Abdominal ultrasound: Evidence of multiple hepatic lesions on the right lobe, suggesting secondary lesions, therefore the following tests were performed:
Hepatic Biopsy: the result was positive showing well differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasia in multiple locations (minimum cellular pleomorphism, no evidence of necrosis, number of mitosis <2 in 10 HPF); assessment of semi-quantitative activity and proliferation activity through ki67 (MIB-1): 5-10%; immunohistochemical colorations performed:
Cytokeratin 7 (OV-TL12/30) (-/+, rare cells), cytokeratin 20 (K20.8), cromogranin A (LK2H10)(-), synaptophysin (SY38)(+).
Chest X-Ray: normal, except for a retracting left fibro thorax as a result of the pneumothorax .
Colonoscopy: the exam was interrupted due to inadequate preparation.
EGDS: normal.
Colonoscopy: identified a polypoid sessile formation of 1.5 cm of irregular and hemorrhagic surface; hystological biopsy found a well differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasia of morphological appearance and immunophenotype profile comparable to the hepatic one, in addition to two polyps of 5 mm at 18 and 15 cm from the anal margin; an histological examination, through biopsy, found adenomas with mild displasia.
Sandostatin LAR 30 (intramuscular injection, using a vial, every 28 days).
It seems that the diagnostic procedure and treatment have been state of the art for the treatment of this disease. I would further evaluate the dynamic of both the clinical and radiological progression of the disease, and perhaps consider, in the future, a chemoembolization for the right lobe metastasis of the liver (according to the radiological picture of an actual CAT scan). I would also consider, in the future, a PRRT treatment with 177 Lu/ 90Y- DOTATOC. There are a few centres in Europe that perform this procedure. I have personal experience with Professor Mullerat the University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland as well as some experience with the Center in Rotterdam, Netherland.