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Respiratory Insufficiency with Tracheotomy_2

72-year-old female recovered from protracted bronchopneumonia and sepsis that demanded mechanical ventilation via oral intubation and tracheostomy. She developed post tracheotomy tracheal stenosis and failed 2 attempts of Montgomery T-tube insertion.


Degenerative Maculopathy - additional opinion

81-year-old female with age related macular generation in both eyes. In the expert's opinion, she suffers from Non- Neovascular AMD with high risk characteristics to transform to the Neovascular form, and therefore she should have a retinal follow-up every 4 months, and receive the AREDS formulations of vitamins and minerals, that reduce the risk of losing vision from this condition.

Respiratory Insufficiency with Tracheotomy_1

72-yaer-old female was hospitalized due to bronchopneumonia complicated by septic shock. Her complicated diagnosis was: acute respiratory insufficiency with recent results of right mediobasal bronchopneumonic foci with respiratory distress, Hypertensive hypertrophic heart disease, Renal insufficiency, Anemia, Drained left PNX, Tracheomalacia, and Gastritis, and various medical procedures were performed, including Tracheostomy.

Diabetes Mellitus Type II, Dyslipidemia, Diabetic Retinopathy
69-year-old male suffers of diabetes complicated by neuropathy and retinopathy. He had uveitis and choroiditis which were fungal in origin, and underwent cataract surgery.  Medical reports describe myopic maculopathy and neovascular age related macular degeneration in the right eye, and non-prolific diabetic retinopathy in the left eye.
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) secondary to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

15 years old patient presented with clinical syndrome of fever, fatigue, and diarrhea. Laboratory findings showed severe anemia with findings of microangiopathic hemolysis (schistocytes, hyperbilirubinemia, elevated LDH) and severe thrombocytopenia. He was later documented to have fluctuating ADAMTS13 activity that appeared to correlate with the hematologic abnormalities. He also had urinary findings of hematuria, moderate proteinuria, and creatinine as high as 1.4 mg/dL.