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Chronic Pain in the Lower Rib Cage – Suspected Intercostal Neurinoma

67-year-old male began to complain of chronic pain in the left lower rib cage. The pain is stitch, ever-present, dull and localized at the level of his left last rib, and became slightly worse in the last 2 years. Recent image findings: MRI - "Ovalish hypoechogenic solid formation, Ultra sound - "Suspected intercostal neurinoma at ribs 10, 11 and 12.

Suspected Fibromyalgia

27-year-old female with a diagnosis of suspected fibromyalgia. Her history includes long standing widespread musculo – skeletal pain connected to a feeling of general slight illness, as well as a series of accompanying symptoms: frequent migraines, cervicalgia, stomach disorders, chest pain and tachycardia . Therefore, she has carried out various follow-ups that each time detected a different problem for which the relevant therapy was set out.

Chronic pain of undetermined origin

67-year-old male suffering a constant pain at the bottom of the lower left rib cage for the last two years. The pain is described as not being extreme nor affected by breathing; it is dull and always present. Various imaging scans were unremarkable although diffuse degenerative disk spinal abnormalities were noted.

Well differentiated mixed acinar and bronchoalveolar adenocarcinoma of the lung

An occasion chest X-ray of a 74-year-old female revealed a thickening in her left lung, and the tumor was latter typified as non-small cell lung cancer. Her staging chest CAT scan was consistent with a primary tumor in the lingular sub-segment together with millimetric parenchymal nodules suspected as secondary. She underwent a lingular segmental resection of the left lung. The histological report described a mixed acinar and non-mucinous bronchoalveolar adenocarcinoma of the lung.

Axonal and Demyelinative Sensorimotor Neuropathy

66-year-old male with a 6-year history of sensory symptoms in the feet and hands. He describes a sensation of cold and stinging in the feet; and numbness in the hands, especially at night. Nerve conduction and EMG demonstrated axonal and demyelinative sensorimotor neuropathy with neurogenic changes in muscles. Follow-up nerve conduction testing that was performed 2 years later showed similar findings.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

41 year-old male was recently diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis (MS) after episodes of leg and shoulder weakness and parasthesis. Lately he experiences dizziness. His MRI showed several demyelinating lesions, other ancillary tests showed demyelinating damage to the auditory and visual pathway. Currently he has no functional or sensorial deficiencies. He was offered several immunomodulatory treatment options: Rebif, Betaferon and Copaxone, and asks about their pros, cons and complications, and about the differential diagnosis.

Metastatic, Non Small Cell Lung Cancer – further opinion

67-year-old with multiple co morbities: Heart, renal, vascular, hypertensive. His biopsy showed left lower lobe lung mass that was a TTF-1 Non small cell lung cancer- most likely an adenocarcinoma. Multiple small nodules < than 1cm were noted without certain etiology, together with “masses” in the upper abdomen and left arm. Recommended therapy includes single agent Vinorelbine.

Metastatic, Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

67-year-old with multiple co morbities: Heart, renal, vascular, hypertensive. His biopsy showed left lower lobe lung mass that was a TTF-1 Non small cell lung cancer- most likely an adenocarcinoma. Multiple small nodules < than 1cm were noted without certain etiology, together with “masses” in the upper abdomen and left arm. Recommended therapy includes single agent Vinorelbine.

Massive Portal and Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis

47-year-old male presented with un-provoked portal and mesenteric vein thrombosis that caused persistent radiating pains of upper abdominal quadrants. The examinations found heterozygous factor II mutation, and family survey for the factor II mutation was recommended. The patient started anticoagulant therapy. In the expert's opinion, the main risk factors for portal vein thrombosis are: Prothrombotic disorder, abdominal inflammation, cirrhosis, cancer, abdominal intervention and abdominal infection.

Neuroroendocrine neoplasia with hepatic secondary lesions

39-year old male was diagnosed with metastases of Neuroendocrine tumor to the liver, presumably from pancreatic origin, suffered from significant weight loss. The administered treatments include Chemotherapy, Roferon A, Statins and Dietary supplements.

Neuroroendocrine neoplasia with hepatic secondary lesions_2

39-year-old male was diagnosed to have a neuroendocrine tumour with synchronic liver metastases. The disease was treated with an etoposide-carboplatin combination, Interferon A, somatostatin analogue and Zebra fish egg derived dietary supplements. In early 2008, a tumour progression was noted in that the disease started to produce the epithelial tumour markers CEA and CA 19-9.

Metastatic non small cell lung Cancer

67 year old male, previously a heavy smoker, suffering for 2 months from weakness, diminished appetite and weight loss. Tests showed a mass in right arm, possibly attached to muscle, and tenderness in right ribs. Chest CT showed a mass in LLL, lung foci, suspected secondary spread and masses in upper abdomen. CT guided biopsy from right lung mass was consistent with non small cell carcinoma with extensive necrosis. SPECT bone scan showed many focal findings in the vertebrae L,D2,7, most of the ribs bilaterally and in the limbs- suspected for secondary pathology.

Papillary Carcinoma of Thyroid with Multiple and Diffuse Nodular Secondarisms of the Pulmonary Parenchyma

78-year-old female with history of diabetes, and meningioma complicated by neurologic deficits following surgery, was diagnosed with progressive iodine-refractory metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Her initial work-up revealed lung metastasis. She underwent a right thyroidectomy and then left thyroidectomy and laryngectomy, and subsequently received I-131 on 8 occasions. She had a drop in thyroglobulin levels to the early treatments, but most recently, thyroglobulin has steadily increased.

Ischemic Heart Disease

A very physically active 49-year-old male with a history of labile hypertension and hypercholesterolemia with an LDL cholesterol of 126 mg%. He underwent an exercise stress test which revealed reversible inferoseptal ischemia at a peak heart rate of 171 bpm and peak blood pressure of 195/85. In the expert's opinion, the results suggest that the patient has silent myocardial ischemia and may be at risk for sudden cardiac death, especially in light of the marked exertional level of activity.

Cervical myelopathy

Female patient suffered an episode of sudden shooting pains in her hands while swimming. Since this episode, there has been a progressive improvement. However, the patient still suffers from hypersensitivity in her arms, together with hyperesthesia manifesting predominantly in her hands. For 3 years, the patient has suffered from paresthesia and burning sensations in her arms. Her MRI found marked degenerative differences with spinal narrowing and protruding discs causing pressure on the spinal cord. Spinal cord irregularities found at C5-C6 level.

Cervical Disk Hernia_1

62-year-old male complained about sensation of pins and needles in the fingers accompanied by pain and feeling of pressure in the toes. The patient underwent CT and MRT of the cervical spine and conduction studies that showed signs of severe chronic neuropathy, Lordosis, disc hernias with pressure on the dural sac and narrowing of the canal together with segment myelopathy and spinal stenosis. In light of the weakness of the muscles in the patient's right hand, the expert recommendes a surgical solution.

Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas

The expert shares broad information regarding Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas: categories, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, risks and outcomes, and qualifications for performing surgery on the pancreas.


Chronic Atrial Fibrillation in Patient with Prior Hemoptoic Episodes in Bilateral Bronchiectases

74-year-old female suffers from recurrent episodes of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) and has been recommended oral anti-coagulant therapy with warfarin (Coumadin). She has mitral regurgitation, and on the other hand was diagnosed as suffering from congenital bronchiectasis with several episodes of significant bleeding (hemoptysis). Following these hemoptoic episodes she underwent series of diagnostic as well as therapeutic pulmonary intervention (bronchoscopy, angiography, embolization).

Pulmonary heteroplasia

66-year-old female was diagnosed with lung tumour within the right hemithorax with concomitant pulmonary nodules and a measurable enlargement of lymph nodes. FBS was positive for well differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma and a needle biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma with associated neuroendocrine differentiation. The patient was then treated with altogether four courses of induction chemotherapy.

Symptomatic Pancytopenia- Additional opinion

74-year-old male suffers from pancytopenia and symptomatic anemia. Bone marrow aspiration revealed some myelodysplasia, and the patient started immune therapy. He continues to require repeated blood transfusions. The expert recommends to complete the diagnostic workup. If no other disease is diagnosed than it can be assumed that the patient carries the diagnosis of MDS hypoplastic type.

Juvenile Arthritis with Systemic Onset (Stills Disease)

50-year-old male was diagnosed with Juvenile arthritis with systemic onset (Stills disease) after having symptoms of high fever, rashes and pain. He was treated with high doses of corticosteroids, but had two exacerbations in the last 2 years. In the current time he suffers of swelling of knee joints and hand joints, and occasionally a feeling of burning feet or cold feet. In the expert's opinion, the clinical description fit well with the diagnosis of adult onset systemic arthritis which manifestations are similar to the juvenile systemic arthritis.

Symptomatic Pancytopenia

74-year-old male has suffered over six months from pancytopenia. The main problem has been the symptomatic anemia, which required blood transfusions. Bone marrow aspiration revealed some myelodysplasia, and immune therapy has been prescribed. The expert suggests possible differential diagnosis of pancytopenia and recommends to establish a definite diagnosis before discussing treatment.

Portosystemic Encephalopathy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Adult male with a history of hepatitis C, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) and hepatocellular carcinoma. Patient treated for NHL with CHOP-R 4 years ago. However, post-treatment, he had continued presumed bone marrow suppression. He was diagnosed 2 years later with HCC and underwent TACE with good effect. Since the TACE, the patient has had persistent and worsening hepatic dysfunction with portal hypertension and ascites. Recently, the patient developed encephalopathy and was treated, as described below, with fast return to consciousness.

Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Kidney

49-year-old male was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma and underwent left radical nephrectomy. The expert recommended either close observation every few months or participating in an adjuvant vaccine trial or monoclonal antibody therapy trial.