81-year-old female with age related macular generation in both eyes. In the expert's opinion, she suffers from Non- Neovascular AMD with high risk characteristics to transform to the Neovascular form, and therefore she should have a retinal follow-up every 4 months, and receive the AREDS formulations of vitamins and minerals, that reduce the risk of losing vision from this condition.
42-year-old female with chronic renal insufficiency secondary to immune complex mediated glomerulonephropathy, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia. The recommended solution for her is kidney transplant.
42-year-old male patient complained of penile pain. Physical examination and imaging studies were compatible with the diagnosis of Peyronie's disease. Cialis 20 mg was given in order to perform "vascular exercise" that should prepare him for ESWL treatment to break the plaques when the condition stabilizes.