81-year-old female with age related macular generation in both eyes, most probably of the dry type. In the expert's opinion, she should have a retinal follow-up every 4 months and check her central vision on a daily basis. As for treatment, she should receive the AREDS formulations of vitamins and minerals, because these medications reduce the risk of losing vision.
61-year-old male with a history of Central Serous Chorioretinopathy had a sudden decrease in vision in his right eye. He was seen by an ophthalmologist who found a large hemorrhage in the macula. He then consulted with professor who diagnosed him as having Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy and he had an intravitreal injection of Avastin. Following this, the patient had a Vitrectomy operation. Photographs and Indocyanine angiography show a large subretinal hemorrhage, consistent with Age Related Macular Degeneration, and perhaps Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy.
62-year-old male complained of decreased visual acuity in his right eye for 1 week. His past ocular history was relevant for an episode of central serous choroidopathy. Upon examination there was a large subretinal hemorrhage in the macular area , with a visible choroidal neovascularization. Intravitreal Bevacizumab (Avastin) was injected. One week following treatment, there was still macular bleeding and no improvement in visual acuity. Therefore, a vitrectomy was performed. There was impressive resolution of the subretinal hemorrhage but still some intraretinal fluids.
81-year-old female with age related macular generation in both eyes. In the expert's opinion, she suffers from Non- Neovascular AMD with high risk characteristics to transform to the Neovascular form, and therefore she should have a retinal follow-up every 4 months, and receive the AREDS formulations of vitamins and minerals, that reduce the risk of losing vision from this condition.