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Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas

The expert shares broad information regarding Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas: categories, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, risks and outcomes, and qualifications for performing surgery on the pancreas.


Cystic Pleuro-Pulmonary Blastoma – additional opinion

2-year-old girl was diagnosed with pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB). She presented with cough and fever which was treated as pneumonia. When her symptoms did not improve, a chest X-ray showed a right lower lobe infiltrate with pleural effusion and a cystic lesion superiorly. She was further treated with antibiotics and improved clinically, but follow-up with chest CT showed a persistent cystic area in the right lower lobe and pneumothorax. She thus underwent pleural drainage and thoracoscopic biopsy, revealing a diagnosis of "cystic pleuropulmonary blastoma".

NF-1 and optic nerve glioma – additional opinion

5-year-old boy with diagnosis of neurofibromatosis type 1 underwent ophthalmological evaluation that showed reduction in visual acuity and reduction of the bilateral visual field. MRI showed presence of a big expansive lesion and of temporopolar arachnoid cyst. The treating doctors recommended an urgent surgery in order to reduce the cerebral hypertension. In the expert's opinion, after having seen the images, the arachnoid cyst has not changed that much, and probably has little impact or effect, and therefore meanwhile no surgery is warranted.

Cystic Pleuro-Pulmonary Blastoma

2-year-old female had been diagnosed with Pleuropulmonary Blastoma. The disease extent included the lung and pleura with no signs of metastatic spread. It was decided to start with 3 cycles of chemotherapy and afterwards to carry out a CT scan reassessment and surgical operation. The expert agrees that patients treated with combination of chemotherapy and complete surgical resection do better. Achieving total resection of the tumor results in a significantly better prognosis, whereas extrapulmonary involvement at diagnosis results in worse prognosis.

Anaplastic Astrocytoma in the left temporal lobe

65-year-old male experienced loss of consciousness, and a CT scan showed a left temporal mass which was confirmed by MRI. The patient underwent Stereotacti biopsy of mass, and Histological examination gave a diagnosis of anaplastic astrocytoma. He started chemoradiation with fotemustine (nitrosourea alkylating agent). Repeated MRI showed progression with mass effect, mild uncal herniation and enlarging ventricles. He has stable expressive aphasia and hemisyndrome, lethargy and decreased motivation. His treatment was switched from phenobarbital to levetiracetam.


Vesical Neoformations in Glandular Cystic Cystitis

58-year-old male diagnosed with sigmoid colon diverticulosis. In the past (2000&2008) he underwent trans urethral resections of bladder lesions which were diagnosed to be glandular cystitis cystica. Follow up cystoscopy performed lately revealed two new strawberry like lesions close to the bladder neck. Urine cytology was negative for malignant cells, pelvic ultrasound demonstrated a thickened bladder. The patient was offered another resection surgery.

Child suffering from NF-1 and optic nerve glioma

5-year-old boy with diagnosis of neurofibromatosis type 1 underwent ophthalmological evaluation that showed picture of slight reduction in visual acuity of the right eye and severe hypovision of the left eye with slight reduction of the bilateral visual field. MRI showed presence of a big expansive lesion and of right temporopolar arachnoid cyst. The treating doctors recommended an urgent surgery in order to reduce the cerebral hypertension.

Pulmonary heteroplasia_3

66-year-old female was diagnosed, following persistent cough, with non-operable tumor of her lung with satellite nodules, and chemotherapy was initiated (first Cisplatin and Gemcitabine, and then switched to Tarceva). Response evaluation following the fourth cycle of chemotherapy showed either stability or an initiation of tumor response, but bone scintigraphy that was performed 6 months later revealed an area of increased uptake in the left hemithorax which could be suggestive of a secondary bone lesion.


Pulmonary Heteroplasia – additional opinion

66-year-old female was diagnosed, following persistent cough, with lung tumour with concomitant pulmonary nodules and a measurable enlargement of lymph nodes. FBS was positive for well differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma and a needle biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma with associated neuroendocrine differentiation.

Pulmonary heteroplasia_2

66-year-old female was diagnosed, following persistent cough, with non-operable tumor of her lung with satellite nodules, and chemotherapy was initiated (first Cisplatin and Gemcitabine, and then switched to Tarceva). Response evaluation following the fourth cycle of chemotherapy showed either stability or an initiation of tumor response, but bone scintigraphy that was performed 6 months later revealed an area of increased uptake in the left hemithorax which could be suggestive of a secondary bone lesion.

Neurofibromatosis type 1 - Ophthalmologic Exam is recommended

5-year-old boy was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) eight months after birth. He has displayed café-au-lait spots, axillary freckling, macrocephaly, sphenoid dysplasia, brain hamartomas, right temporal arachnoid cyst, and optic glioma. Visual evoked potentials showed evidence of bilateral functional deficit.

Pulmonary heteroplasia

66-year-old female was diagnosed with lung tumour within the right hemithorax with concomitant pulmonary nodules and a measurable enlargement of lymph nodes. FBS was positive for well differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma and a needle biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma with associated neuroendocrine differentiation. The patient was then treated with altogether four courses of induction chemotherapy.

Wrist and Right Hand Pathology – additional opinion

47-year-old male has injured his right wrist while playing football 30 years ago. He always had some manageable pain while playing tennis. The pain increased during the last 12 months. The wrist CT scan that the expert recommended revealed diastasis between scaphoid and semilunar bone, palmar dislocation, dorsal intercalated segmental instability (DISI), marked radio-scaphoid arthritis and reactive sclerosis of the subchondral bone. This findings conformed the previous diagnosis of post traumatic osteoarthritis of radio-carpal joint brought upon by ligamentous injuries due to trauma.

Pathology of the Wrist and Right Hand

47-year-old male has injured his right wrist while playing football 30 years ago. He always had some manageable pain while playing tennis. The pain increased during the last 12 months, and following this, MRI studies were performed. They revealed wrist Diastasis between scaphoid and semilunar bone in agreement with a lesion of the scapholunate ligament and pronounced radioscaphoid arthrotic manifestations. In the expert's opinion, the patient is suffering from post traumatic osteoarthritis of radio-carpal joint brought upon by ligamentous injuries due to trauma.