78-year-old female with history of diabetes, and meningioma complicated by neurologic deficits following surgery, was diagnosed with progressive iodine-refractory metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Her initial work-up revealed lung metastasis. She underwent a right thyroidectomy and then left thyroidectomy and laryngectomy, and subsequently received I-131 on 8 occasions. She had a drop in thyroglobulin levels to the early treatments, but most recently, thyroglobulin has steadily increased.
30-year-old female was noted to have two right lobe of thyroid gland nodules on a neck ultrasound. A diagnosis of incidental finding of thyroid gland nodule in the setting of normal thyroid gland function was established. In the expert's opinion, the clinical presentation is consistent with a "cold" thyroid gland nodule. He recommends an ultrasound-guided fine needle biopsy, because the results of the cytology can guide the treatment and dictate the extent of surgery.
A 47 years old female underwent total thyroidectomy for papillary carcinoma of the thyroid, followed by treatment with radioactive Iodine (I131).
Since then, the patient has been suffering from severe facial pain (left>right), dry mouth and recurrent local infections. She was diagnosed with bilateral sialadenitis, and was repeatedly treated with endoscopy and repeat washing. Medical treatment for neurogenic pain wasn't helpfull, as well as visits to different salivary gland specialists.